Co-creating next-generation quantum and supercomputing technology since 2013

Process integration for high performance devices in a production fab

  • SC wiring
  • Josephson Junctions (JJ)
  • Stacked vias
  • 10+ metal layers
  • Superconducting interposers

Technology as a Service: A service model designed to accelerate big ideas

SkyWater is a global leader in the semiconductor implementation of superconducting technologies. Given the non-linear, highly iterative nature of technology development in this space, finding a development partner who happily experiments in a controlled production environment is critical to success.

Innovation Starts with TaaS

Enabling Scalable Quantum Computing and Sensing

SkyWater’s superconducting capabilities are foundational for next-generation quantum technologies. We support the development and manufacturing of superconducting qubits, quantum processors, and cryogenic control electronics with advanced materials and scalable processes. Our TaaS model accelerates innovation in quantum computing by providing domestic, Trusted foundry services tailored to the unique needs of quantum device developers—helping bridge the gap from research to scalable production.

SkyWater Enables Quantum

Advanced process development and volume production

Process Integration Capabilities

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Nb wiring depositionEndura
Resistor deposition (W)Endura
JJ formation
(Nb dep, pure Al dep, oxidation, Nb dep, all in-situ)
SiN low-temp depositionEndura
Nb & W-resistor metal etchLAM 9600
Oxide etch, stop on NbAMAT MXP
Nb damascene CMPWestech 472
Oxide CMPWestech 472
TEOS low-temp depositionNovellus C2 Sequel
HDP SiH4 oxide low-temp depositionNovellus Speed
Post metal etch solvent cleansSemitool
Resist ashGasonics A3000
Resist ash & polymer removalIridia
Lithography down to 55 nm with field stitching up to 6″x6″ASML

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